Events in the Square

National Garden Scheme
11th May 2025 (2-5pm)
The garden has opened every year since 1989, to raise money for the National Garden Scheme charities (Yellow Book), usually in May, when spring is sprung.

Open Garden Squares Weekend
9th June 2024 (2-5pm)
In early June, Eccleston Square Garden joins some 190 other squares and gardens throughout the city, which all open to the public on a round-robin ticket during the course of the weekend. Eccleston Square Garden opens on the Sunday afternoon from 2-5pm. Posters go up on the gates each year with further details.

Summer drinks
20th June 2024 (6.30 - 9.00pm)
In the summer, the Directors and ESRA hold a free evening party for all residents, key-fob holders* and their guests. A variety of drinks and barbeque sausages are provided free for all attendees. The date is normally on a Thursday evening late in June. Notices will be posted on the gate in advance.
Text or WhatsApp Nicky Foy on 07798774197 or email nickyfoy@gmail.com to discuss what you want to do, when, timings and how many people are involved.
Guidelines are 10-20 people maximum but there is some flexibility depending on circumstances so please discuss with Nicky. Do not exceed numbers agreed.
Nicky will discuss with you where to site your gathering.
Parties and Gatherings should avoid the centre of the lawn as they are then in other fob-users’ way.
Please remember that no marquees, awnings, tents, umbrellas or similar are allowed to be erected anywhere in the garden.
Please note that NO music on any device, including phones, is permitted at any time, anywhere in the garden.
Please make sure that no gate is left open at any time for friends or guests. Gates must be closed or manned at all times to protect other residents and the garden.
All gatherings should be finished and cleared up by 10pm.
Please remember no loud noise in the garden after 10pm, as it disturbs other residents.
Access to the BBQs is available to all garden members.
The garden has two BBQ cookers which are on a bricked area of hard standing in the central part at the south-west end of the garden (the end opposite number 34 where there is a blue plaque to Churchill).
These BBQ cookers can be booked by residents to use either at lunchtime (12-5pm) or in the evening (6-9.30pm), BBQ cookers must not be wheeled off this area.
Portable BBQs cannot be used anywhere in the Square.
If you wish to have a BBQ you need to contact Nicky in advance to discuss your date, time and numbers.
Nicky can be contacted on WhatsApp on 07798774197 or email nickyfoy@gmail.com
Anyone using the BBQ cookers must make sure the BBQ coals are out when the have finished.
It is the responsibility of the person starting a BBQ to clean up before they begin, using the tools provided and putting the ash in the ash bucket. People cannot clean up after they have finished because the coals are too hot.